On 06/07/2013 00:21, Dale wrote:
> I'm still trying to figure out what he thought he would accomplish tho. 
> I can't get my head wrapped around that yet. 

That's easy to answer.

The fellow probably doesn't know much.

If you want a brilliant example, just go read a wide bunch of threads on
the Gentoo Forums. You will find some gems in there, you'll also find a
level of cluelessness that is hard to wrap your brains around, and the
noise to signal ratio is out the roof.

Fellows working in stores (often at low wages) are not any different.

Technically, he's not wrong - any OS is just as susceptible to viruses
as any other, you just have to get over the first hurdle which is
getting code to run. The overall design of Windows has historically made
this somewhat easy, and the overall design of Windows users made it
easier still.

Using Occam's Razor, I'd guess the fellow behind the counter is not too
different from fellows behind counters everywhere, and he's running on
one of these motivations:

1. He will punt what earns him more money (he's in sales after all)
2. He will defend the thing he sells (usually by talking down the
3. Just repeats some line he heard somewhere and doesn't really
understand the topic (but is convinced he does)

Alan McKinnon

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