Am 18.04.2013 23:10, schrieb Michael Mol:
> On 04/18/2013 04:43 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> Am 18.04.2013 22:13, schrieb Michael Mol:
>>> On 04/18/2013 04:02 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>>> Am 18.04.2013 21:48, schrieb Michael Mol:
> [snip]
>>>>> My particular discovery was that if I launched WoW under WINE, and then
>>>>> launched a browser, audio in WoW worked fine. If I launched the browser
>>>>> first (which resulted in a flash applet being loaded in GMail for the
>>>>> purpose of audio notifications for google talk), Flash grabbed the ALSA
>>>>> device and no WINE application could get at it. Routing both through
>>>>> PulseAudio solved the problem.
>>>> /I can have as many flash instances as I want and still listen to stuff
>>>> being played in vlc. Without pulseaudio crap.
>>>> Maybe wine just sucks?/
>>> Easy on the invective. Did you pay attention to the specific sequence of
>>> events I described? Or are you simply reporting that Flash works fine as
>>> an ALSA client along other concurrently reporting tasks, with no
>>> reference to the explicit order of the launch of things?
>>> Incidentally, WoW+WINE worked absolutely fine with other ALSA clients.
>>> It was only when Flash got added to the mix--and was launched
>>> first--that I had a problem. Further, if Flash was launched before PA
>>> (and ALSA apps weren't configured to route through PA's alsa wrapper),
>>> PA itself could not latch on to the sound card.
>>> Also, it's possible Adobe has since fixed the bug. This was a couple
>>> years ago, even before they added direct PulseAudio support to flash.
>> the order is completely irrelavant. I start flash, xine, amarok, vlc,
>> alsaplayer, whatever - and it just works. Without pulseaudio, jackd,
>> esd, artsd etc pp.
> Do you say that because you've tested the various orders and know that
> one application will not conflict with another if started before that,
> or do you say that because you've never noticed a problem, despite not
> knowing the order you've started things?

because I am using linux since Suse 6.2. And in that time I have
listened to a lot of music, watched a lot of movies and did a lot of
things in parallel. Just yesterday I watched a music video on youtube,
while hunting for something sounding almost identical on my harddisk -
using vlc. So firefox&flash and vlc were working fine.

>> I don't use wine. For a lot of good reasons.
> Name one.
fat, slow and buggy. Do you need more? If I really had an application
that I must use and is windows only - I would install windows. That is a
lot quicker and less painful than that wine crapfest shitting all over
the place.

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