On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Luis Gustavo Vilela de Oliveira
<luisgustavo.vil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe NUMA is only used on multiprocessor machine and not on only
> multicore.

NUMA's about memory access so it's about
cores/CPUs/processors/whatever_you_want_to_call_it and how they access


>> NUMA is also an option in the kernel. Should also be fully transparent.
>> I got one machine with NUMA and only had to set an option for it.
>> Does anyone know how to check it's working properly?

You could use numactl and place your binary on certain nodes (cores)
and check whether that works.

You should also check your code uses OpenMP, threading, ... for example.

Monitor your CPU and memory also while your software is running ;)

What SW are you going to be running? Do you know if your software is
SMP and/or NUMA aware?


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