Alec Shaner schreef:
> Nick Rout wrote:
>> OK once again the ebuild is attached, it now creates a desktop file in
>> /usr/share/applications/ and pops the .xpm icon file into
>> /usr/share/pixmaps/. This is where gentoo likes these things to be.
>> Those of you who have expressed an interest in this game please try it
>> out. If it works OK I will check out any last tweaks i need and then
>> submit it to
> I tried the new ebuild and it worked. I use KDE 3.4 and the laby icon
> shows up under the games menu and correctly launches the game.

Well, something went wrong for me; I installed the game with no errors,
then launched a gnome-panel (I normally use Openbox and Pypanel, but
have GNOME installed) to see if it would come up in the Gnome main menu
(which it did, with icon), but clicking the entry says that 'laby'
cannot be found (which is in fact the case; it would seem that the
executable was not created).

Output from the emerge:

|>>> md5 files   ;-) laby-1.0.3.ebuild
|>>> md5 files   ;-) files/digest-laby-1.0.3
|>>> md5 src_uri ;-) laby_1.0.3.tar.gz
|>>> Unpacking source...
|>>> Unpacking laby_1.0.3.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/laby-1.0.3/work
|>>> Source unpacked.
|>>> Test phase [not enabled]: games-rpg/laby-1.0.3
|>>> Install laby-1.0.3 into /var/tmp/portage/laby-1.0.3/image/
|category games-rpg
|install: cannot stat `/usr/local/portage/games-rpg/laby/files/laby':
|Onbekend bestand of map
|strip: i686-pc-linux-gnu-strip --strip-unneeded
|strip: i686-pc-linux-gnu-strip --strip-unneeded
|   usr/lib/laby/laby
|>>> Completed installing laby-1.0.3 into
|>>> Merging games-rpg/laby-1.0.3 to /
|--- /usr/
|--- /usr/lib/
|>>> /usr/lib/laby/
|>>> /usr/lib/laby/laby
|>>> /usr/lib/laby/highscores.dat
|>>> /usr/lib/laby/graphics.pak
|>>> /usr/lib/laby/sounds.pak
|--- /usr/games/
|--- /usr/games/bin/
|--- /usr/share/
|--- /usr/share/doc/
|>>> /usr/share/doc/laby-1.0.3/
|>>> /usr/share/doc/laby-1.0.3/readme.txt.gz
|--- /usr/share/applications/
|>>> /usr/share/applications/laby-laby.desktop
|--- /usr/share/pixmaps/
|>>> /usr/share/pixmaps/laby.xpm

You can see that 'laby' is not copied to /usr/games/bin, though I guess
that must be it in /usr/lib/laby?

Yes, indeed it is:

 la /usr/lib/laby
totaal 5388
drwxr-xr-x    2 root  root      168 aug 29 17:20 .
drwxr-xr-x  151 root  root   110112 aug 29 17:20 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root  root  3828654 aug 29 17:20 graphics.pak
-rw-rw----    1 games games     450 aug 29 17:20 highscores.dat
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root  root   591536 aug 29 17:20 laby
-rw-r--r--    1 root  root   973752 aug 29 17:20 sounds.pak

| * To run Lost Labyrinth run laby from the command line
| * If you have artsd running you will need to disable it while
| * running Lost labyrinth. This can be done by editing the script
| * /usr/games/bin/laby to stop artsd before running the game and
| * start it again afterwards
|>>> Regenerating /etc/
|>>> games-rpg/laby-1.0.3 merged.
|>>> Recording games-rpg/laby in "world" favorites file...

output from looking for the executable script:

which laby
which: no laby in

 locate laby
/home/stuff/temp/backup/games/I F/Games/anchor new day 2A study
/home/stuff/temp/backup/games/I F/Games/anchor new day 2A attic
/home/stuff/music/files/Gentle Giant (1973) In A Glass House FLAC/2.An
Inmates Lullaby.flac

This was a simple emerge, so I hope I didn't bork it myself; I did
forget to create a 'files' directory in the overlay folder, but since
there were no files, I can't think that that would be the problem.

I could be wrong, though, especially since it works under KDE. Why would
the symlink not have been created for me?

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