Am 13.10.2012 12:51, schrieb Michael Hampicke:
> Looks good, could you cross-check if the GUID is correct? My EFI
> partition is the first one on my ssd, so I use #  sgdisk -i1 /dev/sda to
> check. The value you are looking for is "Partition unique GUID" - should
> be the same to what efibootmgr displays
> (0c67029a-25de-4e23-b2be-6c502742189e)

That is the ID of /dev/sda5:

 # sgdisk -i5 /dev/sda
Partition GUID code: C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B (EFI System)
Partition unique GUID: 0C67029A-25DE-4E23-B2BE-6C502742189E
First sector: 1296046080 (at 618.0 GiB)
Last sector: 1296455679 (at 618.2 GiB)
Partition size: 409600 sectors (200.0 MiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'EFI System'

This is the EFI-system-partition on /dev/sda.
Should it point there?

In my case sda1 is a Linux RAID partition, which is part of md0, which
once was my / (too small now).

What I tried to achieve:

sda5: EFI system ( -> /boot/efi )

gentoo-root on /dev/md3 (consists of sda6 and sdb3)

I know this looks like a mess, and somehow it is.

But right now I see something else:

Boot0000* GRUB2

would point at my /dev/sda5 and the file \EFI\GRUB2\grubx64.efi in
there, right?

After all my fiddling around right now it is named


case-sensitive? Vfat ... ? I just rename it and give it a try ;-)

What about that ugly Boot0007 in my listing?


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