On Sat, 2012-10-13 at 11:06 +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 2012-10-13 00:52, schrieb Bill Kenworthy:
> > another "feature" is you have to be booted via efi so the variables are
> > available so it can install itself - sorta catch 22 :(
> Yes, I know that. No problem, when I boot from that stick, I do that via
> EFI, so I get the correct environment.
> > I just remembered another step that I missed - I dont have the syntax
> > but "efibootmgr" - google for the correct options.
> Yes ;-)
> I do that for days now. What puzzles me:
> I get the entrompties into EFI: when I boot I see the entries created by
> efibootmgr, but when I chose one of the entries pointing to "GRUB2" or
> "gentoo" the PC tells me that the disk isn't bootable.
> And I still don't know what is missing. AFAIK that EFI system partition
> is allowed to be within the first 2 TB of the disk (easy on my 1 TB
> hdd), has to have the boot-flag set (in parted-terms), and must be type
> EF02. When EFI doesn't find something bootable on the disk, my
> interpretation is that it can't find that partition?
> S

Do an "ls" from the grub prompt ... when booted from the usb stick grub
will renumber the devices in a different order.  You will need to use
"ls" to find out what the current grub order is, edit the grub menu
(i.e., "e" when at the menu selection) and press F10 (I think) when done
to boot.  The reason is grub will set itself up with the usbstick as
root, whereas once you boot with the correct mapping you can reissue the
commands to write them properly.


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