On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Claudio Roberto França Pereira
<spide...@gmail.com> wrote:
> mike, I'd DEFINITELY LOVE to read grub's history, even if it's a short
> summary or something.
> TOTALLY OFF-TOPIC, but anyone could recommend me a open
> source/linux/unix/free software history book? Something that mentioned
> the FSF foundation, the GPL creation, the XFree86 -> X.org evolution,
> linux [..]. -> 2.4 -> 2.6 evolution, sound stack evolution (OSS, ALSA,
> JACK, PA, ESD, Arts, Phonon), multimedia history (ffmpeg, mplayer,
> mplayer2, gstreamer, xine, vlc). It could go all the way back to
> shell's, like sh, csh, BASH, zsh.

Not OSS related, but I really enjoyed reading Dennis Ritchie's article
on the history of the C programming language (which also gets into the
early UNIX days):

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