On 2012-02-15 9:37 AM, m...@trausch.us <m...@trausch.us> wrote:
On 02/15/2012 07:19 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
What I would prefer is a detailed yet simple 'How-To' aimed at the
average user rather than the hacker (in other words, don't assume I can
read code/scripts and understand all or even some of what is happening)
or write my own scripts, etc...
Also, I'd prefer this How-To be aimed at current users of GRUB Legacy,
meaning, 'This is how Legacy did it, but now GRUB2 does it this way, and
for this reason'...
And last, a lot of examples of comparisons of GRUB-Legacy/GRUB2 config
files for different types of systems (obviously, these should include
all of the most common systems, then more esoteric ones can be added by
those using them)...
I can do this, but it's going to take me a day or two. I have to
refresh myself on GRUB Legacy, first. It has been a (long) while since
I've used it.
Understood, and thanks Mike, I really look forward to reading whatever
you can provide. I realize that I'm gonna have to take this plunge
eventually, and would rather not wait until I'm forced to...