Would anyone be able to help me understand the following curiosity? I installed =net-analyzer/netcat-110-r8 (USE="crypt ipv6 -static") without apparent problem but running it produced:
"nc: error while loading shared libraries: libmix.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory." A quick check of emerge.log showed dev-libs/libmix-2.05-r5 installed without error, so I ran a deep world update followed by a --depclean and revdep-debuild: revdep-rebuild identified a broken dependency for netcat and reinstalled it automatically (same version), stating that the breakage had been rectified. Re-running revdep-rebuild, however, revealed that the problem still existed. I unmerged both libmix and netcat and re-emerged them (libmix first). Neither complained and logs show nothing of note. After unmerging and re-emerging both libmix and netcat (libmix first) revdep-rebuild no longer found a broken dependency for netcat. Still, however, netcat gave the same error (above). I temporarily "fixed" the problem by creating a symlink (/usr/lib/libmix.so.0 -> /usr/lib/libmix.so) to give netcat what it says it is looking for but this feels like a hack for some that I would presume should work cleanly by design. Have I missed something? Some unscientific and not-at-all-thorough tests seem to show that netcat is happy with the symlink. Your thoughts/guidance would be much appreciated. -- Merv Hammer