On Mon, Nov 28 2011, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:

> Though I don’t use either Gnome version, I believe that we are quite safe with
> Gentoo for a while longer, as compared with most other distros out there. At
> least that is what I remember from my KDE experience; (almost) all distros
> jumped on the KDE 4 waggon as soon as the still unusable 4.1 and let KDE 3
> fall instantly without alternative.
> OTOH, Gentoo remained with KDE3 as the main version for a comparably
> long time, and I am very grateful for that. And even after KDE4 became
> “stable” in portage, we could still use both in parallel for even
> longer before KDE3 was finally removed from portage. I think I made
> the final and complete switch as late as 4.3 or 4.4.

See http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-903280.html, which I believe is
a good read.

One quote

    5. Will gnome-2 still be supported?

    For a limited time. We will support gnome-2 until gnome-3.x is
    stabilized. After gnome-3.x is marked stable, which will happen at
    some point in 2012, gnome-2 will be removed. We do not have the
    man-hours needed to properly support two major versions of gnome.


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