On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 11:11:27PM +0100, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:

> Right now I use some package.mask-list from a posting in the
> gentoo-forums .... I'd be happy if the maintainers would provide us with
> a way to easily chose to stay w/ <gnome-3 somehow (without maintaining a
> long list of packages to mask).
> Stefan

Though I don’t use either Gnome version, I believe that we are quite safe with
Gentoo for a while longer, as compared with most other distros out there. At
least that is what I remember from my KDE experience; (almost) all distros
jumped on the KDE 4 waggon as soon as the still unusable 4.1 and let KDE 3
fall instantly without alternative.

OTOH, Gentoo remained with KDE3 as the main version for a comparably long time,
and I am very grateful for that. And even after KDE4 became “stable” in
portage, we could still use both in parallel for even longer before KDE3 was
finally removed from portage. I think I made the final and complete switch as
late as 4.3 or 4.4.
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