On 11/27/11 15:18, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:
> Hi Colleen,
> Am Sonntag, 27. November 2011, 16:08:41 schrieb Colleen Beamer:
>> Hi all,
>> I used to use ImageMagick to quickly resize images and convert from one
>> format to another (jpg to png, for example). ImageMagick is installed
>> on my system (installed as requirement of something else), but I'm
>> darned if I can find an executable to run the program. There used to be
>> one in /usr/bin on my old system.
>> Does anyone have any experience with this?
> yes :) It's /usr/bin/convert

This isn't quite what I wanted - you have to add options to the
command.  I was hoping to get the graphical interface that I had
before.  Please don't tell me they took a great little program and
screwed it up!  :-)



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