On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 3:21 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 10:17:07 +0100
> Nicolas Sebrecht <nsebre...@piing.fr> wrote:
>> The 22/11/11, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> > I use virtualbox and it's the one I recommend.
>> >
>> > The kernel modules are no better and no worse than any other
>> > out-of-tree modules.
>> You're wrong. Using the virtualbox module means you turn the kernel to
>> "tained crap" because of the number of problems it causes, including
>> random memory curruption.
> Care to back that up with something resembling evidence?
> EVERY out-of-tree module will taint the kernel. As to whether it
> deserves the "crap" moniker is a matter of opinion
> --
> Alan McKinnnon
> alan.mckin...@gmail.com

   I'm a happy Virtualbox user so I was surprised to see this post on
the LKML which I suspect pushed the consciousness of this a bit more
to the forefront:


  Now, I have no problems with Virtualbox but I have no reason to
disbelieve these folks either. As with a lot of these things, it's the
devil you know or the devil you don't know. I suspect the other less
used solutions also have problems but not as many users, etc.

- Mark

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