Am 17.11.2011 07:50, schrieb Dale:
> One more question.  I have two drives.  A 250Gb and a 750Gb.  Originally
> the data was on the 750Gb drive.  I set the 250Gb up on LVM then moved
> things over from the 750Gb.  I then added the 750Gb to the VG and
> resized the file system.  So, in theory the data is on the 250Gb drive. 
> Let's say I want to remove the 250Gb drive.  I would use pvmove to do
> that right?  When I ran pvmove /dev/sdb, which is the 250Gb drive, then
> it would remove all the data from that drive so that it could be
> removed.  Am I close?
> I'm not planning to do that but just wanting to get a better
> understanding of this LVM thing.
> Dale

Yes, that is correct. It moves the data by mirroring it temporarily on
the new location before updating the metadata so that only the new
location is used. Therefore you can safely reboot or abort operations.

Florian Philipp

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