>> The problem with that is he will need to test his code in the working
>> system.  

why in the production system?

>>I need a way for him to be able to read/write to a certain
>> file or files within the working system, but have no read/write
>> access to any other files in the system.
>> Is SFTP perhaps the way to go for this?
>> - Grant
>For some reason I thought SFTP would provide access control but now
>I'm thinking it's just like SSH in that access control is based on
>file ownership and permissions? 


> If that's the case, can anyone think
>of a better way to control remote access to my files than chmod/chown?

someone already did ;)

> I think it would be nice if the access control were built into the
>transport mechanism, version control system, or something else already
>in use, but it doesn't sound like that's going to happen.

its certainly possible to control the write access with ACLs. read
access however is a different story because as soon as his code runs in
the context of the webrowser he will likely be able to read the rest of
the code.

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