On 09/26/11 16:01, Grant wrote:
> I'd like to hire a freelancer to work on my website.  I don't want to
> provide access to all of my code, but instead only the particular file
> or files being worked on.  Does anyone know of a development framework
> that would help facilitate that sort of thing?  Would no shell access
> along with restricted SFTP access be the simplest, safest, most
> effective way to go?

Why not just send him the stuff he should be working on? He can run his
own Apache/PHP/whatever on his development machine. When he's done, he
can send you a tarball of the site files and maybe a SQL dump if you're
using a database.

That's the easiest one-off solution. If you're looking for something
more permanent, another idea is to have a "public" git repo somewhere
while the developers all work on their own workstations. SQL changes can
be made via numbered migrations, e.g.,


and devs can push everything to the git repo, as long as it's a
fast-forward (so they can't trash the repo history).

Once you're ready to move something live, an admin logs in to the
production box, does a `git pull`, and then runs the migrations or makefile.

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