> We're doing the same thing for our backups. Here's that chunk of our
> documentation, if it's helpful.

Thanks Michael.  You've found that a shell account is required on the
backup server in order to push backups to it?

Is the purpose of the Host block in .ssh/config to store the hostname
of the backup server so it doesn't need to be used directly in the
rdiff-backup command?

Why create a password for the backup user?  Doesn't that open up the
possibility of someone logging in as that user, when otherwise the
account would only be used for backing up files?

- Grant

> === rdiff-backup Client ===
> ==== Creating the Remote User ====
> First, create a new system user on the backup server. Log in (as root),
> and run,
>  useradd -d /home/<username> -m <username>
> The ''-d'' parameter sets the home directory, and ''-m'' creates it
> automatically.
> The rdiff-backup program uses SSH to synchronize the local and remote
> filesystems. As a result, non-interactive operation requires a
> server/client certificate pair. Furthermore, we cannot prevent shell
> logins for our new user account.
> Give it a reasonably-complex password. You'll only need to type it twice:
>  passwd <username>
> ==== Installing rdiff-backup ====
> First things first; install rdiff-backup on the client. In Gentoo, all
> this requires is the following,
>  emerge rdiff-backup
> If that works, go ahead and continue.
> ==== Setting up SSH Authentication ====
> For now, we're done on the backup server. Log in to the client server
> (the one to be backed up) as root. We need to generate an SSH key pair:
>  ssh-keygen
> Name the file something informative when asked. '''Do not create a
> password for the key file.''' For example, your private key for
> <backup_server> might be named ~/.ssh/<backup_server>_rsa. Now, copy the
> public key, e.g. ~/.ssh/<backup_server>_rsa.pub to the backup server
> using the user that we created earlier.
>  scp ~/.ssh/<public_key_file> <remote_user>@<backup_server>:~/
> And add a section to the local ~/.ssh/config file which corresponds to
> the backup server. This forces the local machine to authenticate to the
> backup server using its key rather than a password.
> <pre>
> Host <backup_server_hostname>
>   Hostname <backup_server_hostname>
>   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<private_key_file>
>   IdentitiesOnly yes
> </pre>
> Now, ssh into the backup server as your new user. Our goal is to add
> this key as "trusted," allowing anyone with the corresponding key to
> connect as this user. On the backup server (as our new user), execute,
>  cat <public_key_file> >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
>  rm <public_key_file>
> and add the following to the authorized_keys file manually. Add it at
> the beginning of the line for the new public key.
>  command="/usr/bin/rdiff-backup --server",no-pty,no-port-forwarding
> This will restrict the user with this public key to executing only the
> rdiff-server command.

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