Am 30.07.2011 01:06, schrieb Dale:
> Michael Mol wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Dale<>  wrote:

>>> While I am at it, what is the best file system for videos?  That is the
>>> biggest thing I use that drive for.  I had a LOT of NCIS, CSI and other
>>> shows that are now gone.  Anyway, what are opinions on a file system for
>>> videos on a 750Gb drive?  I had reiserfs on it before.

I guess you won't motice much of a difference. Use what you like and
know best.

>> I had a few terabytes of my own DVD rips on ext4 on a 3TB RAID5 once
>> upon a time. Worked very well.
> I'm not picky.  Unless someone comes up with something better, I'll give 
> ext4 a try.

I'm using ext3 mostly, and recently also ext4 because, why not. The
portage tree is on reiserfs, because I read it's fast and efficient with
small files. And simply because I wanted to lean how to use it. On the
other hand, I also read later that it will slow down with every emerge
--sync. But for large files, it probably won't matter much. I think ext
is a little slow when deleting large files compared to some other file
system (JFS? Reiser maybe?), but for me it's not bad. Anyway, putting
all those thoughts into it probably already has cost more time than
choosing the best file system would have saved me.

> I'm just curious as to how much longer dd is going to take.  I wish it 
> has some sort of a progress bar or something.  :/

Find the PID of the dd process with ps ax | grep [d]d or somethhing,
then kill -USR1 <pid>. This will dd output how far it is.

BTW, I like how the threads tend to soon have nothing to do with the
subject lately.


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