Joost Roeleveld wrote:
On Thursday 28 July 2011 18:37:24 Dale wrote:
Pardon me.  My brain passed gas here.  lol  Could it be that my drives
file system has ran out of inodes or whatever they are called?  That may
explain why I can't copy anything to it but it works fine as far as
reading goes.

Thoughts?  How do I check/change it?  Headed to some man pages too.


:-)  :-)
To check this, you could try creating a new file (with size = 0) on the root of
that drive, like (After you close and save all your work):

touch<mountpoint of drive>/LetMeseeIfThisWorksOrIfTheKernelPanicsAgain

If it doesn't panic, check if that file actually exists.


It worked fine and it was there with 0 bytes.  Weird.

I sort of gave up on this drive. I had a very kind soul to send me a video card when I did this build. He also sent me a 250Gb drive. I copied all I could to that but did lose a LOT of my videos and such. Anyway, I'm doing this right now:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc

I figure that will put it back like brand new and very blank. I'll recreate my partition, throw a file system on it and see if it will let me copy back to it or not.

While I am at it, what is the best file system for videos? That is the biggest thing I use that drive for. I had a LOT of NCIS, CSI and other shows that are now gone. Anyway, what are opinions on a file system for videos on a 750Gb drive? I had reiserfs on it before.



:-)  :-)

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