Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Thursday 28 July 2011 21:48:15 Dale wrote:

I have wondered that too.  The process is sort of started but it's not
actually compiling either.  I wonder how we could know for sure?
Easy. "emerge --fetchonly<blah>" first, then start the real work.

But if you emerge something and it has to be fetched first, is that counted in the time genlop shows or not? That is the question. I don't think it is counted but I'm not sure. I set mine to fetch in the background so most of the time the fetch is done after a couple packages gets compiled.

Back when I was on dial-up, then I would fetch first. I did that because my dial-up was so slow. It would take days to download OOo or a major KDE upgrade.


:-)  :-)

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