On Monday 11 July 2011 23:43:06 Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Monday 11 July 2011 17:26:36 Sebastian Beßler wrote:
> > Am Mo 11 Jul 2011 17:18:16 CEST, Peter Humphrey schrieb:
> > > I doubt I shall ever accept 'reoccur', any more than I accept
> > > 'transportation'.
> > 
> > It's way OT but what is wrong with 'transportation'.
> > If it is wrong, how would it be right?
> It isn't wrong, it's just silly. Americans love to add '-ation' to
> everything. Just consider 'motivation', for example. It nearly always means
> 'motive'. Ditto 'medication', which is nearly always 'medicine'. I could go
> on all night, but this is much too far off topic already. (I didn't mean to
> launch a troll - I just get wound up about poor language - sorry. And while
> I'm at it, an adverb should not precede the verb of the sentence. This is
> not German. And in English we do not put a comma between the verb and the
> predicate. Anyone who wants to discuss things like this seriously is welcome
> to contact me off-list.)
> > I'm not a native speaker so I might be blind to see the error.
> I can see that, but i'm impressed by your grasp of your second language,
> which is incomparably superior to my grasp of your first.

well, your language is broken beyond help anyway (as everybody who was forced 
to learn this clusterfuck* realized in the second or third week) so why get 
your panties in a knot? It can hardly get worse. Maybe better. 

*) most accurate description of the english language I ever read:



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