On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 00:09:42 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > But an admitted pedantic response deserves a reply from the OED :P  
> ...which is no more than an observer of trends. It offers precious
> little help in what one ought to do.

Isn't that how language develops, through trends? My point in quoting
the OED was that it is a real word, I made no claims that it was a good
word, in fact I indicated otherwise.

> A few years ago our Queen uttered a solecism (well, it had to happen
> sooner or later, and as far as I know it's the only one).

How did they know, was it in a voicemail message?

> The gutter press were 
> delighted to announce a new usage: "if it's good enough for the queen,
> it's good enough for the rest of us".

She made a mistake with English, I made a mistake with English. If it's
good enough for her for the Queen...

Neil Bothwick

Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

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