On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 05:28:14PM +0200, Sebastian Beßler wrote: > Am 06.06.2011 17:18, schrieb Indi: > > > Maybe we should also both remember that I *am* running ~x86? > > :) > > That should make now difference, my girlfriend uses ~x86 on her laptop > and there thunderbird reads and applies the userChrome.css just like > here with my ~amd64 thunderbird. > > The programmcode for 32bit and 64bit thunderbird is for all parts that > has to do with chrome-rendering absolut the same. >
BTW, the testing I did was with version 3.1.10, and with portage building it, rather than using thunderbird-bin. The version of xulrunner is 2.0.1-r1i, which seems to be working just fine with both firefox and conkeror (no, I don't mean "konqueror"). Just in case anyone's keeping score and needs the info. -- klaatu virada nicto