On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 17:28:14 +0200 Sebastian Beßler <sebast...@darkmetatron.de> wrote:
> Am 06.06.2011 17:18, schrieb Indi: > > > Maybe we should also both remember that I *am* running ~x86? > > :) > > That should make now difference, my girlfriend uses ~x86 on her laptop > and there thunderbird reads and applies the userChrome.css just like > here with my ~amd64 thunderbird. > > The programmcode for 32bit and 64bit thunderbird is for all parts that > has to do with chrome-rendering absolut the same. > Could be an xulrunner issue going on, I suppose. It's just thunderbrd is too fussy for my people anyway. It will make them more dependent upon me, which is the opposite of what we want here. Ho jeez, enough testing of this GUI editor though! Not being able to move around with hjkl is weird. Next we'll see how claws does with vim for an editor, and keybindngs... I prefer my mouse dusty. :) -- caveat utilitor ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫