On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 02:36:35PM +0100, YoYo Siska wrote

> Might be that something happens to X's DPI settings during the
> suspend/resume...
> You can try to comaper the outputs of 
> xdpyinfo | egrep "dimensions|resolution"
> and maybe 
> xrandr
> befor and after the suspend.

  Thanks for the pointer.  It turns out it's not related to hibernate,
but rather to an interaction with xrandr resolution-switching.  I've
recently discovered a streaming website that shows old cartoons and
other shows ( www.liketelevision.com ).  I have a 24" LCD display
(1920x1200) but the website displays less than 640x480.  No problem, I
said to myself.  I cobbled together a few scripts.  The first one for
switching to 640x480 mode... (I call it "640x480")

xrandr -s 640x480
xrandr --output HDMI1 --panning 1920x1200+0+0

...and a second one for 720x400... (I call it "720x400"

xrandr -s 720x400
xrandr --output HDMI1 --panning 1920x1200+0+0

...and finally one to switch back to "normal" mode... (I call it "1920")

xrandr -s 1920x1200

  The problem started at about the same time I discovered
www.liketelevision.com and began switching resolutions to watch it.
Here's a test...

#Get values before any switching
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ xdpyinfo | egrep "dimensions|resolution"
  dimensions:    1920x1200 pixels (508x317 millimeters)
  resolution:    96x96 dots per inch

#Switch to 640x480
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ 640x480 
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ xdpyinfo | egrep "dimensions|resolution"
  dimensions:    1920x1200 pixels (1268x792 millimeters)
  resolution:    38x38 dots per inch

#Switch to 720x400
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ 720x400 
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ xdpyinfo | egrep "dimensions|resolution"
  dimensions:    1920x1200 pixels (3801x2376 millimeters)
  resolution:    13x13 dots per inch

#Switch back to 1920x1200
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ 1920
waltdnes@i3 ~ $ xdpyinfo | egrep "dimensions|resolution"
  dimensions:    1920x1200 pixels (3801x2376 millimeters)
  resolution:    13x13 dots per inch

  Here's a gem from the xrandr man page.  Note the part that I have

--fbmm widthxheight
       Sets the reported values for the physical size  of  the screen.
       to keep the DPI constant.  This overrides that computation.

  The solution to my problem is to include the 2 lines...

xrandr -fbmm 508x317
xrandr --dpi 96

...at the end of all 3 scripts.  This forces the screensize and DPI back
to their original values, and X is happy, and fonts fit properly.  You
learn something new every so often.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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