On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 4:26 PM, Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
>  I'm not sure where to look.  I've recently started having font
> problems when restarting my PC from hibernate-to-disk.  Here are the
> symptoms...
> * I hibernate my home desktop machine when not using it
> * when I restart from hibernate, the following problems *SOMETIMES* occur
> * existing GUI windows are OK
> * launching new programs or dialogues (YES/NO, Apply/Cancel, etc) seems
>  to have zero-size fonts
> * shutting down X and restarting it solves the problem, but if I have to
>  go through that, it's almost as cumbersome as "sudo /usr/sbin/poff"
>  and booting fresh
>  I'm attaching a partial screen-capture of an existing gnumeric
> spreadsheet and a new one launched after waking up from hibernation.
> The tracker.gnumeric spreadsheet that was opened before hibernation is
> OK.  The Book1.gnumeric spreadsheet was opened after waking up from
> hibernate.  Note the missing "File Edit View etc" text menus.  The
> location and formula areas are very thin, compared to the same areas in
> tracker.gnumeric.  This happens to Opera, AbiWord, etc.  I did this
> partial screencapture with Gimp.  I left it open before hibernating.
> The radiobuttons and icons were OK in the screencapture dialogue, but
> the fonts were screwed up on the dialogue.  I managed to do the
> screencapture from memory of which button was which.
> --
> Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

In addition to YoYo's comments it may also be graphics driver problem.
There were some comments on the Intel Gfx list this morning about
certain chips losing bit settings in hibernation. Possibly it's
something like that.

I don't know what hardware you're using but if the problem occurs
across lots of different app types, and because you used the words
'have started having font problems' implying maybe you didn't earlier,
then look into newer/older drivers to bisect the problem.

- Mark

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