On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 12:45 PM,  <meino.cra...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I got a little confused about the sense or nonsense of AHCI vs. IDE.
> I run a ASUS Crosshair IV Formula, which BIOS has a menu entry to
> configure the SATA ports either for IDE or AHCI or RAID. Forget RAID
> for a momen -- I dont use it (nothing against RAID ! ;)

Consider "IDE" to mean "Compatibility mode".

I just RTFM for your manual, it tells that if you want to use NCQ or
hot-plugging you must enable AHCI in BIOS.

I have a Gigabyte motherboard and it's the same way. If I use "IDE"
mode, kernel must use a different driver (it's still not really IDE.
When I use AHCI, it uses the ahci driver in kernel and all features
and full speed are available.

I think it's a bad name, just like "Keyboard: DOS/USB" setting, when
"DOS" really means "PS/2 Emulation from BIOS" or whatever.

So, use AHCI, be happy. ;)

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