As soon as some textmode applications in xterm stop, their output gets
wiped, and the xterm screen is restored to what it looked like before I
launched the app.  Somebody thought they were being "helpful"; then
again, so did the designers of "Clippy".  I don't know how many updates
ago the behaviour changed, but here's what happens...

  Let's say I'm having a problem with packet loss to/from a certain
internet server.  I would run "mtr" which gives an ongoing enhanced
traceroute display.  When it gets to the router that's dropping packets
I would hit "Q" and mtr quits.

Before the update
  I would copy/paste the mtr output into an email, and send it off to
whomever, with the output showing the packet-loss stats.

After the update
  As soon as mtr quits, its output gets wiped, and the xterm screen is
restored to the state it was in before mtr was launched... helpful NOT!

  I've discovered that I can suspend it with {CTRL-S}, but I shouldn't
have to resort to that.  Using Google, I found references to
"man termcap", which stated that this behaviour was controlled by
entries in /etc/termcap.  Despite the fact that I have the termcap man
page on my system, I do *NOT* have /etc/termcap.  Does anyone have a
sample /etc/termcap (or will ~/.termcap work?) to stop the screen
restore after a text application quits?

Walter Dnes <>

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