On 19 August 2010 11:00, Zhu Sha Zang <zhushaz...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> I don't have neither
> media-libs/libflash or
> www-plugins/libflashsupport
> installed here, only the same version of adobe-flash in x86_64 enviroment.
> In adobe site above i receive this answer:
> You have version 10,1,82,76 installed
> Of course i'm using firefox-bin.

Thanks for the info.

I killed all Firefox instances that were running. I then uninstalled
firefox and replaced it with firefox-bin (3.6.8). Next I uninstalled
libflash and libflashsupport. Finally, just to be safe, I reinstalled

The result is exactly the same. Adobe says I have 9,0,115,0 installed.

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