Hi all, I'm trying to get Flash ( installed (and working) on Firefox (3.6.8). I installed adobe-flash and, for good measure, libflash and libflashsupport:
media-libs/libflash-0.4.10-r1 www-plugins/libflashsupport-1.2 USE="esd gnutls oss pulseaudio -ssl" www-plugins/adobe-flash- USE="(-multilib) (-nspluginwrapper)" When I go to the Adobe test page (http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/) it says: "You have version 9,0,115,0 installed". (After closing Firefox and even a full reboot.) I uninstalled adobe-flash and checked again: still "You have version 9,0,115,0 installed". So it looks like just emerge-ing adobe-flash is not enough? Do I need to configure something? Install something else? Remove something? Cheers, Hilco