Michael Haan wrote:
On 6/26/05, Colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has anyone had any experience with this? Would Gentoo install and run
on this machine without any problems? It looks like it will make an
ideal server/NAT gateway/distcc node/rsync server/DHCP server/DNS
server/wireless AP for my home network.
Also, I'd like to put a Pentium III in this machine, since it will be
under a decent load most of the time. A 550 MHz Slot 1 Pentium III is
possible in this machine, but I want more power. I've heard about
someone using a slocket (Slot1-Socket370 adapter) and an FC-PGA2 adapter
in the slocket to successfully use a 1.4 GHz Pentium III (Tualatin
core). Has anyone out there put a Socket 370 processor in this machine?
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
I've got it running as a music server on a GX110.
I have a Dell Dimension 4300 running gentoo without any problem :)
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list