On Sun, Jun 26, 2005 at 04:36:51PM -0400, Colin wrote
> Has anyone had any experience with this?  Would Gentoo install and
> run on this machine without any problems?  It looks like it will make
> an ideal server/NAT gateway/distcc node/rsync server/DHCP server/DNS
> server/wireless AP for my home network.

  As long as you don't try loading X/gnome/KDE you should be OK.  Just
to see if it could be done, I got Gentoo working on a 400 mhz PII, Dell
Optiplex GX1.  There was one weird setting I needed in /etc/make.conf


With the recommended -j2 setting, compiles were blowing up.  Other than
that, and being a bit slow, it was OK.  How large is the hard drive?

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