> I urgently need a second ethernet (RJ-45
> telephone-looking type) NIC
> in my computer, which is about a year old, el cheapo
> but with USB 2.0,
> so decent for my needs (sorry, don't have mother
> board details at the
> moment).
> the local store is willing to install a SMC one for
> a good price.  my
> only concern is the brand.  ethernet is very well
> understood and I
> just need plain-vanilla, but I don't want to have to
> fiddle with
> anything, configuring hardware or whatever, if the
> hardware doesn't
> run well under linux.
> does the brand matter, or will anything that says
> "ethernet" fit the
> bill?  I'll be plugging a telephone adapter into one
> of the NIC's for
> VOIP, the other NIC provides the internet connection
> (via an asus
> 802.11b adapter which plugs into an RJ-45 port).
> pardon, but the need for VOIP is urgent and great,
> so researching this
> well doesn't seem to be an option.
> thanks,
> Thufir

linuxcompatible.org has a hardware compatiblility
database.  AFAIK most work but some don't.  If your
local store doesn't know maybe they will let you test
with a livecd before you buy.


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