On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 18:00, Walter Dnes wrote:
>   After a few long+slow stage 1 installs, I want to give up the macho
> act and do a stage 2 or 3 next time.  Am I correct to assume that I can
> set up CFLAGS and USE, and start "emerge --system" and "emerge --world"
> later on when I'm going away for the weekend<g>?
>   Also, I notice that CHOST is not supposed to be changed from i386 for
> a stage 2 or 3 install.  Does that affect things later?

Personally, I do a stage 3 install, then edit /etc/make.conf, then run

emerge sync

After I have the new portage tree, I then

emerge --update --deep --newuse world

I think I have essentially a stage 1 install without having to
re-compile working stuff that needs no changes.

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