On Thu, 02 Jun 2005 18:21:35 -0400, Phil Sexton wrote:

> Personally, I do a stage 3 install, then edit /etc/make.conf, then run
> emerge sync
> After I have the new portage tree, I then
> emerge --update --deep --newuse world
> I think I have essentially a stage 1 install without having to
> re-compile working stuff that needs no changes.

Except that any changes to your CFLAGS make no difference to packages
that are not recompiled. If you really want the equivalent of a stage 1
install, you should do emerge -e world. However, most packages will be
recompiled eventually, so you would reach almost a stage 1 at some time.

If you were really bothered about this, you could check emerge.log for
packages that had no been re-emerged since the initial install.

Neil Bothwick

What did the first man to discover you can get milk from cows think he
was doing? - anon.

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