Matthew :: Good thought!
Florian :: Also quite possible!
Florian Idelberger wrote:
Furthermore, if you don't find anything misconfigured or anything
possible to improve, it may just be that there was some change
somewhere between 2.4.23 and 2.6.11.
In that case it would probably be quite hard to do anythig about the
On Apr 11, 2005 10:06 PM, Matthew Cline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> If you go the make 'config route, *do* by all means read all the
> you can find in there before changing thins; you cwill probably find
> something that interacts with something else that you've already
> that makes "what you've already done" irrelevant or -wrong-, so
read all
> through the [deleted] thing before making changes. Itsa drag,
yeah, but
> it does make things like kernels more safely.
You could try looking at the kernel config file used by Knoppix, then
comparing it to the one used in Gentoo. Check the relavent sections
for any differences between the two.
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