And this message has just exactly *what* to do with the thread you posted it in?

Not only is this very impolite, but even from your point of view it is bad ::
1) some people will skip anything in a given thread that they are no longer reading, so *your* post maybe gets missed by the very people who could answer your question,
2) since you didn't even rename the subject, no one knows what the stink you're asking about, and,
3) what os, version, hardware (ALL!), how did you get there, etc., etc., etc.......

Ok, you're maybe a newbie, so you gotta learn.  Lessons started.  Do better.
Catch ya' later.


Al Bayrouni wrote:

Hello all,

I just installed nvidia-glx and it is running.
But the screeng semms like ((blinking)).

Thank you for any help.


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