On 9/5/15 5:44 AM, Marc Schiffbauer wrote:
* Anthony G. Basile schrieb am 02.09.15 um 18:13 Uhr:
Hi everyone,
So by now most people have heard the news that the Grsecurity/PaX team
are no longer going to be making their stable patches available. The
reason is that they are in dispute with a certain embedded systems
vendor and those negotiations broke down. So they decided to make their
stable patches only available to the sponsors. [1]
What does this mean for Gentoo?
patches are available until 9th. Could you leave the latest 3.14
version in tree? Or do you plan to unpublish them in the tree, too?
Would spender or pipacs want or welcome that we do this?
I'm not sure yet how I will deprecate but I think I have to. Upstream
thinks I'm too slow at deprecating already. They push out daily patches
and we want to stabilize after a month. Try balance that out!
Anthony G. Basile, Ph. D.
Chair of Information Technology
D'Youville College
Buffalo, NY 14201
(716) 829-8197