On Sun 21 Dec 2014 10.39.54 Anthony G. Basile wrote:
> Can you please test paxmark.sh from commit 84ca1170 and let me know.

Right now I'm away for Christmas vacation, but I'll take a look at it in 
January when I'm back.

> Thanks for the report but if its not too much of a bother, can you open
> a bug at bugs.gentoo.org next time because it makes it so much easier to
> properly track bugs that way.  You can always discuss bugs on the list
> (or anywhere you can catch me like IRC) but having the report in
> bugs.g.o leave behind a historical memory of what we did.

Right, sorry. I'm too used to certain other projects, where bug reports like 
what I started this thread with would have been immediately rejected for 

It's annoying when every project has its own rules and customs for 
collaboration and tool use. Why can't everyone standardise? On my preferred 
options, naturally :)

Karl-Johan Karlsson

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