+1 for omitting EXT3. Karl-Johan: you can safely remove that, IMHO.
dr Tóth Attila, Radiológus, 06-20-825-8057
Attila Toth MD, Radiologist, +36-20-825-8057

2014.December 14.(V) 03:34 időpontban Rick \"Zero_Chaos\" Farina ezt írta:
> On 12/13/2014 06:52 PM, Karl-Johan Karlsson wrote:
>> So it works on ext4, but not ext3, even though both have the ext_attr
>> flag on
>> disk. Any difference in kernel support?
>> # uname -r
>> 3.16.5-hardened
>> # gunzip -c /proc/config.gz | grep XATTR
>> # gunzip -c /proc/config.gz | grep EXT[34]
>> # CONFIG_EXT3_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set
>> # CONFIG_EXT4_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set
>> # CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set
> just to narrow it down, can you remove the ext3 modules (or just build
> it out of the kernel) and let the ext4 driver handle it?  ext4
> filesystem driver handles ext2 and ext3, typically with much better
> results.
> -Zero
>> Not that I can see, especially with CONFIG_EXT4_USE_FOR_EXT23=y. And it
>> should
>> be an automatic dependency anyway, since PAX_XATTR_PAX_FLAGS is set.
>> Which brings us to problem number three: why aren't xattrs working in
>> $PORTAGE_TMPDIR on ext3 when they are in /bin on ext4?
>> Problems one and two are clearly bugs, one in sys-apps/elfix and two in
>> sys-
>> apps/elfix or the documentation. Should I file them in Bugzilla, or is
>> this
>> mail enough?
>> Problem three seems to be unique to this machine. Does anyone know
>> what's
>> going on?

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