> On 10 Nov 2022, at 03:43, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2022-11-09 at 20:27 -0600, John Helmert III wrote:
>> The first GLSA in glsa.git is GLSA-200310-03, the third GLSA of
>> October 2003. It used roughly the same format of the GLSAs we release
>> today, in 2022, making that format almost as old as me.
>> Somewhere along the way, it started to become necessary to target
>> multiple version ranges within the same package. The GLSA format
>> isn't capable of expressing this. Thus, I propose a new format (an
>> example of which I've attached inline below), with the following
>> changes from the old format:
>>  - Rework affected to use XML-ified logical operators to specify the
>>    affected versions, and *don't* use different fields to specify
>>    vulnerable and unaffected versions. Instead, only list vulnerable
>>    versions, unaffected versions are implicit.
> Does that imply op="" will now be limited to the standard ebuild
> operators?  Perhaps it'd be cleaner to take a step further and remove
> the attribute in favor of going 100% ebuild syntax (yeah, escaping is
> gonna suck there).
>>  - Drop synopsis and description fields. These fields contain the same
>>    information and will be superceded by the existing impact field.
> Well, I'm not saying "no" but it feels a bit weird reading a GLSA that
> doesn't say a word what the problem is but specifies impact.

I think we'd rename impact -> description but description would now
be "description of the problem" and not "description of the package".

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