On Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 14:42:55 -0500, Oskari Pirhonen wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 04, 2022 at 16:46:33 -0400, Ionen Wolkens wrote:
> > +# Where possible, it is also good to consider if using patches is more
> > +# suitable to ensure adequate changes.  These functions are also unsafe
> > +# for binary files containing null bytes (erepl() will remove them).
> Some way to test for NULL in the file before reading might be useful.
> Possibly die if found? Although right now I can't think of a super
> elegant and/or efficient way to do so without writing a simple external
> helper.

I came up with _an_ idea. It feels kinda hacky, goes against my previous
statement wrt running sed on binary files, but it seems to work based on
some quick tests:
    [ /tmp ]
    oskari@dj3ntoo λ null_free() {
    > [[ $(sed -ne '/\x00/{p;q}' "$1" | wc -c) -eq 0 ]]
    > }
    [ /tmp ]
    oskari@dj3ntoo λ for f in test*.dat; do
    > echo "${f}:"
    > hd $f
    > null_free $f || echo "has null"
    > done
    00000000  61 62 0a 63 64 00 65 66                           |ab.cd.ef|
    has null
    00000000  67 68 0a 69 6a 0a 6b 6c                           |gh.ij.kl|
    00000000  00 0a 31 32 0a 33 34                              |..12.34|
    has null
    00000000  61 61 00 61 61 0a 62 62  00 62 62 0a 63 63 00 63  
    00000010  63                                                |c|
    has null

- Oskari

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