> On 10 Mar 2022, at 21:57, Joshua Kinard <ku...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I'd be interested in hearing your workflow, so we can capture it in
>> the table (mentioned earlier) so its clear how your existing workflow
>> will work with the new tools (or perhaps there is a gap, or we need to
>> craft / add additional tools?) I agree on the face it may not be
>> obvious what workflows look like.
> My workflow is really rather standard when working in the tree itself.  I
> work one package directory at a time, apply changes that I've tested outside
> of the tree in my local repo, eyeball everything a second time to make sure
> I didn't miss something, regenerate the manifest, git add, run 'repoman full
> -d -x', fix any issues it finds (if any) and manifest/git add again, then
> 'repoman commit' and supply a commit message with sign-off.  Lather, rinse,
> repeat for other packages.
Having the same checks applied as in CI (which affects whether changes
are deployed to users too) is important. pkgcheck has more checks than repoman.

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