>>>>> On Tue, 02 Mar 2021, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

>> Are you volunteering to fix all the tools to support the new format
>> correctly?
> The PMS says that KEYWORDS is whitespace-separated. Probably only
> repoman/pkgcheck would require trivial changes.

No, there are other tools as well, e.g. ekeyword and ebuild-mode.

As matter of fact, ebuild-mode accepts any ASCII whitespace characters
(horizontal tab, new line, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return,
and space) in KEYWORDS, but will change the line to its canonical format
whenever a keyword is updated. That is, in correct order and with single
spaces as separators.

BTW, do package managers allow any Unicode whitespace (like "​" ZERO
WIDTH SPACE or " " OGHAM SPACE MARK) in places where PMS says


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