On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 06:27:51PM -0700, Christopher Head wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 12:40:17 -0700
> Matt Turner <matts...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > With that in mind, I don't expect it to gain Python 3 support, nor do
> > I expect an additional 15 days of waiting time to change that fact. 15
> > vs 30 days doesn't seem worth squabbling over.
> Not that I care about this specific case, but isn’t the 30-day time
> period also meant as a nice long warning time for people *using* the
> package to give them time to migrate to something else before it starts
> to be unsupported, potentially break the depgraph, no longer be
> installable on additional systems, and so on?
> -- 
> Christopher Head

That perspective opens a new potential bikeshed. I doubt anyone wants to
have anotehr Py2 removal debate...

Of course, the depgraph is not an issue. If a package is
masked, it will break immediately. Hence, required checks
are run then the package is masked.


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