On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 18:27:51 -0700 Christopher Head <ch...@chead.ca> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 12:40:17 -0700 > Matt Turner <matts...@gentoo.org> wrote: > > > With that in mind, I don't expect it to gain Python 3 support, nor > > do I expect an additional 15 days of waiting time to change that > > fact. 15 vs 30 days doesn't seem worth squabbling over. > > Not that I care about this specific case, but isn’t the 30-day time > period also meant as a nice long warning time for people *using* the > package to give them time to migrate to something else before it > starts to be unsupported, potentially break the depgraph, no longer be > installable on additional systems, and so on? The fact that the tree is git based now. It is easy to checkout the tree and checkout the tree at a state where the pkg is still there. You can then copy it to an overlay to keep around for hownever long. The 30 days were more for when the tree was in CVS. There it was much more complicated to get the pkg from the attic. Also, if it is installed, there is a copy of the ebuild in the installed db: /var/db/pkg/cat/pkg-version The only other potential caveat is that the source tarball must still be available from upstream. Our mirrors will eventually drop the source since the pkg/version is no longer in the ebuild tree.