>>>>> On Fri, 06 Jul 2018, Michał Górny wrote:

> Did you even read the text? It's 'at most 2 years'. If you renew it
> every year, you can achieve the desired effect while keeping far
> ahead of the required schedule.

So effectively we're down from 5 years to 1 year also for the main
key, as a mandatory requirement? That is not what I have perceived
as the consensus in the discussion so far.

> I really see no point in added complexity just so that someone could
> bend the standard to the limits.

It isn't complicated in the current version of GLEP 63 ("5 years
maximum"). Simply keep that wording, or moderately shorten it, to
something like 3 years, or 2.25 years. (Or if you prefer round
numbers, 800 days, or 70000000 seconds.) :-)


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