On Mon, Jul  2, 2018, at 12:01 CDT, "Jason A. Donenfeld" <zx...@gentoo.org> 

> Aren't git signatures done over the full commit objects? Meaning you'd
> need the entire tree of metadata and thus all commits in order to
> verify? Or do you see some clever opportunity for extracting just
> enough metadata that you could actually have a file-based, rather than
> commit-based, verification?

Git signatures are over the full commit object - and the commit contains
a hash of the root of the full repository tree. Git internally only
stores tree snapshots (and not differences). So all you need is exactly
one signed commit to verify that

 - this is the full repository tree the developer saw at the time of the

 - this is the full history the developer saw at the time of the commit

Meaning, our current tree signing practice already ensures that

 - history cannot be tampered with
 - allows for a complete audit log

(in buzzspeak, we're doing blockchain verification *SCNR*)


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