On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 12:43 PM Jason A. Donenfeld <zx...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> There's a lot of text there, and rather than trying to parse all of
> that, I'll just reiterate a primary important design goal that might
> be overlooked:
> - End to end signatures from the developer to the user.
> This means that no matter the operation infra does before shipping it
> out to the user, the user still needs to verify that the packages came
> from the developers. In other words, whatever complicated mechanism
> you propose, it needs to not rely on trusting infra to hold onto any
> secrets. For example, I don't know whether this is attainable with the
> the git signatures alone, without requiring users to sync the entire
> git repository, which might not be acceptable for some.

You might want to read what I wrote then, because I proposed options
for using the git signatures over rsync, as well as for with git
syncing (which IMO is an under-rated option, as there is no need to
preserve all the past commits in the repository once it is known-good,
which I also mention).

Everything I wrote is possible with dev signatures only, and would
work fine over a completely compromised infrastructure, or non-Gentoo
infrastructure.  Granted, if you want to do git sigs over rsync you do
need an untrusted program to do the extractions and if that fails it
would be a DOS.

If you think that one of my alternatives fails to meet your goals I'd
be interested in hearing about it.


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