On 03/22/2018 12:56 AM, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn wrote:
> Rich Freeman schrieb:
>> Actually, I think it is more of a technical constraint.  It is
>> basically impossible to blacklist somebody on a mailing list, since
>> all they need to do is roll up a new email address.
>> I can think of various arguments for whitelisting or not whitelisting,
>> but it seems silly to blacklist.
> And how often did it actually happen that blacklisting was evaded on -dev
> mailing list?

we are aware of at least one case of evasion like this within the
relatively near past, but it is more a matter of principle as we don't
know if there are sock-puppets etc around.

The main things is really, the bar for whiltelisting is very low, you
just need a current dev to vouch for you, which is similiar to editbugs
and the #-dev channel on IRC. Most discussion should anyways happen on
-project ML, whereby the -dev ML is technical in nature. So there isn't
any real restriction being imposed here.

Most contributions should happen via patches on b.g.o

Kristian Fiskerstrand
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